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Seven foods that help you keep your teeth healthy

For most of us, the mouth is one of the parts of the body that we are very careful: brushing your teeth at least twice a day, scrape the tongue, and follow other recommended dental practices. In spite of the outstanding care we take, enamel decay and gum disease are the most common dental diseases. We have always wondered why these illnesses still appear, and the secret is in our eating habits.

Another reason why there are so many dental problems is that some patients have crowded teeth that are more difficult to clean and floss after eating. But thanks to some of the most preferred Invisalign dentists Arlington, which can improve long-term health of the teeth without metal braces. Invisalign facilitates cleaning and flossing prevents plaque buildup problems, bleeding gums and tooth loss. Eating these Invisalign is not a difficult task since all, only take, rinse and replace them when you are finished with your meal.

Dentists know that there are foods we eat that are so sweet for our taste buds, but can lead to the destruction of the teeth and gums. Foods like coffee, red wine, black berries cause great damage to the teeth by staining them. However, there are foods that are not only healthy for our body recommended but help maintain healthy teeth. Eating right goes a long way in preventing the formation of plaque, periodontal disease and gingivitis. Some of the foods that are highly recommended for the health of your teeth are presented.

1. Milk : This is the first food for everyone, but unfortunately, stop drinking so much of it as we grow. Milk is not only a good source of protein, Also carries calcium, which may be very important in protecting teeth against gum disease and maintain strong and healthy jaw. Milk also decreases acid levels in the mouth thus fighting back tooth decay.

2. Leafy green / Leaf Vegetables : Vegetables provide excellent health for the body in general. They are rich in calcium, folic acid, vitamins and other minerals. They are high in fiber and a little rough. When eaten raw, these green act as scrubbers for your teeth and improve oral health.

3. Nuts : Whether cashews, almonds, walnuts or sesame seeds, all nuts are rich in protein, iron, magnesium and omega-3. While these foods, which stimulate the flow of saliva which helps wash away the bacteria that cause plaque chews.

4. Fruits : Fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, apples, lemons and pineapples contain citric acid, which is super effective in whitening teeth. In fact, the mixture of lemon juice and baking a paste powdercreates natural whitening. For pineapples, which contain the enzyme bromelain, which is responsible for breaking down proteins that would otherwise cause stains on teeth. eat fruit not only satisfy your craving for sugar, but have helped shine of your teeth.

5. Cheese : These products are a great source of vitamin C, which is important in strengthening bones. When it combined with high levels of phosphate, which balance PH levels of the mouth. high acid levels stimulate the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay.

6. Meat : A lot of health professionals discourage meat consumption, and that hurts the overall health of the body. However, the meat is very important for your oral health. They contain nutrients and minerals such as vitamin D, and are very crucial part of any diet aimed at healthy teeth.

7. Green / Black Tea Tea : This type of tea contains polyphenols, which are known to reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. These drinks are also rich in fluorine - which is a must for healthy teeth. Just remember, sweetening your tea could spoil the ultimate goal of improving the health of their teeth.


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