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Researchers about 'smart' hands to reality

Current ideas are based on vibrations or pins much-needed contact with the palm of work, interrupting the screen.

London: You may soon be able to use their skin as a touch screen, as researchers including one of Indian origin have successfully created tactile sensations in the palm of the hand using ultrasound sent through the hand.

The study by scientists at the University of Sussex in the UK is the first to find a way for users to feel what they are doing in interaction with his hand projected on screens.

This solves one of the biggest challenges for technologycompanies that see the human body, particularly the hand, as the extension display ideal for the new generation of smart watches and other smart devices, the researchers said.

Current ideas are based on vibrations or pins much-needed contact with the palm of work, interrupting the screen. This new innovation, called haptics skin sensations sent to the palm of your hand from the other side of the hand, leaving the palm of the free hand to see the screen.

The device uses a processing 'temporary investment' to send ultrasound waves through the hand. This technique is effective as waves in water, but in reverse - the waves become more specific as they travel through the hand, which ends at a precise point in the palm of the hand, the researchers said.

It is based on a rapidly growing field called haptic technology, which is the science of applying touch sensation and control to the interaction with computers and technology, they said.

According to Sriram Subramanian, University of Sussex, who led the study, technologies inevitably have to involve other senses such as touch, entering what designers are calling an old "free eye technology".

"Wearable are already big business and only get bigger. But as the technology we use more, becomes smaller and we look less and therefore the multi-sensory abilities become much more important" Subramanian said.

"If you imagine you are on your bike and want to change the volume of your smart watch, the interaction space in the watch is very small. So companies are looking for ways to expand this space to the user's hand," he said.

"What I offer people is the ability to feel their actions when they are interacting with your hand," he added.


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