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NASA's Scott Kelly says Himalaya Lagos helps keep sane during year in the Indo-Asian News Service on March 5 2016 space

NASA's Scott Kelly says Himalaya Lagos helped keep sane during year in space

The rainbow hues of the lakes dotting the Himalayas helped NASA astronaut Scott Kelly keep your wits during his mission of 340 days aboard the International Space Station was aimed at studying the effects of weightlessness on humans, media reported.

"The Earth is a beautiful planet," Kelly said at a news conference on Friday in Houston, as he described the bright colors of the waters around the Bahamas and the beautiful lakes that dot northern Himalayas.

He said he would like to visit that region, although they first have to learn "what country really has," reported The Guardian.

"It seemed that lived there forever," said the former pilot of the Navy, which describes the length of his mission as the biggest challenge. "Maybe when you have to go bananas," he added.

But the view from space "is large, too," he said. Astronaut published some spectacular photos on social networks of the Land of cities, landscapes, oceans and atmosphere captured through the windows of the dome module of the space station.

In addition to the serene lakes of the Himalayas, he said he focused on "milestones" as the next coming of the crew, science projects, space walks and the presidential primaries. "That made a big difference for me, just for my mental health," he said.

Astronaut, however, did see the whole system of clouds of smoke pollution from forest fires that covered parts of the US, and Asia sections with continuous, visible contamination almost all year.

"The planet will improve, we are not going to be here, because we will destroy the environment," said Kelly.

World shield thin atmosphere "more than an environmentalist after spending so much time looking down," he said.

"It is for us to take care of the air we breathe and the water we drink. And I think we have an impact on that and we have the ability to change, if we take the decision to do so," said astronaut who along with cosmonaut Russian Mikhail Kornienko landed in Kazakhstan on Wednesday.

Kelly also spoke about his height gain in the temporary space, which has generated significant attention. The low gravity of space elongated backbone of astronauts during their time in orbit, making 1.5 higher on his return inches.

"There are things we discover about our experience in space on the space station do not even know now," Kelly said.

Scientists also studied the differences between the astronaut and his twin brother, Mark, a retired astronaut on Earth.

Tests will continue, to help NASA learn about how the body copes with the serious tensions of spaceflight.

NASA plans to send a manned mission to Mars in 2035, a great trip round trip could take more than two years mission. However, Kelly himself predicted that he would not fly again with the space agency.


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