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Simple ways to control hypertension

Simple ways to control hypertension :

1.       Always check your blood pressure and pulse regularly. A normal resting heart rate (pulse) is between 66 and 82. Visit your doctor if your pulse is high.

2.       The exercise aerobically. Lowers blood pressure and prevents hypertension.

3.       Many doctors believe that weight loss is the most important no single drug treatment for hypertension prevention and lose weight if you are overweight.

4.       Eat a high fiber diet low in fat, which is rich in fruits and vegetables. It is acceptable to use salt in control, unless your doctor orders otherwise.

5.       Drinking red wine has been touted as good for the circulation, but only in moderation.

6.       Hypertension and smoking significantly increase the risk of stroke so they quit.

7.       Try to keep stress under control, as it constricts the arteries and veins to reduce your stress, which is beneficial to your health.

8.       Take a look at the medical history of your family. If you have close relatives with hypertension, you are more likely to suffer from this disease. You will have to be even more diligent in checking blood pressure.

9.       High cholesterol can narrow the arteries and make you more prone to hypertension so check your cholesterol once a year.

10.   Keep a journal of your cholesterol, blood pressure and pulse.

11.   If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar level under control.


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