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Total Solar eclipse darkens the sky in Indonesia

They seemed to be generally clear skies in most popular image points, although in some areas clouding partially obscured views.

TERNATE, Indonesia: A total solar eclipse swept across the vast archipelago of Indonesia today, in the presence of tens of thousands of observers from heaven and marked by the parties, tribal Muslim prayers and rituals.

The moon began moving between the Earth and the sun at 6:19 am (2319 GMT Tuesday), and an hour later the direct sunlight was blocked completely in the western parts of the country, authorities said.

The total eclipse is set to move in a wide arc right across the archipelago, the eastern Maluku Islands, before sweeping out across the Pacific Ocean. Partial eclipses were also visible on other parts of Asia and Australia.

"It was spectacular," Daniel Orange, a 52-year-old American tourist from California, who was watching the total eclipse in the small western island of Belitung, told AFP.

"It was very beautiful, there are many people here and when the totality hit, everyone cheered. I got goosebumps."

They seemed to be generally clear skies in most popular image points, although in some areas clouding partially obscured views.

From a festival with live bands, with popular races and traditional dances, events will take place throughout Indonesia for an estimated 10,000 foreign visitors and 100,000 domestic tourists witnessed the phenomenon.

Hotels in the best observation points were filled for weeks - in the city of Ternate, in the Moluccas, the authorities have had to find additional space for tourists in boats.

There was full coverage of the phenomenon in the local TV channels.

I Gde Pitana, head of foreign tourism government, described the phenomenon as "a tourist attraction created by God".

Many of the faithful in the country of world's most populous Muslim majority say special prayers attended eclipse.

"Our prophet Muhammad said that prayer means the greatness of God, who has created this wonderful phenomenon," said Ma'ruf Amin, chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, the highest administrative body of the country Islamic.

Tribal rituals

Some of the tribes in Indonesia are afraid of the phenomenon, however. Members of the Dayak tribe in a part of the island of Borneo were created to perform a ritual to ensure that the sun, which they view as the source of life, does not disappear completely.

The total eclipse swept across 12 of the 34 provinces of Indonesia, which extends about 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers) from east to west, before heading across the Pacific Ocean.

It will be visible from only one and a half to three minutes in most places.
Besides being seen in Sumatra, the eclipse will sweep across Borneo and Sulawesi and the Moluccas before heading toward the ocean.

One of the most popular events for foreign tourists will be a festival near Palu in Sulawesi.

Among those coming to Indonesia is Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, who recently made headlines after a toilet as $ 40,000 for his visit to Cambodia was not used.

She will be watching the show in Ternate, although the authorities insist that there is no luxury toilet has been built for her on this occasion.

The last total solar eclipse occurred on March 20, 2015, it is only visible from the Faroe Islands and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard in Norway.

Total eclipses occur when the moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, and the three bodies are aligned precisely.

As seen from Earth, the Moon is only wide enough to cover the solar face, creating a halo of silver breath-taking in an indigo sky.


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