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Trump, Clinton Presidential inch closer to Presidential showdown, dominate the primaries Michigan, Mississippi

Lansing (Michigan): Donald Trump swept to victory in the presidential primaries in Mississippi and Michigan on Tuesday, deepening its grip on the race for the Republican nomination. Democrat Hillary Clinton easily carried Mississippi, but was locked in a close race with rival Bernie Sanders in Michigan.

Trump offer primary and Clinton the opportunity to fill your prospects and start turning towards the general election. But Sanders had hoped to prevent a Clinton coronation with a strong presence in Michigan, the biggest award of the night and the first Midwestern industrial state to vote in the 2016 race.

File Photo : Hillary Clinton

Trump, enjoying victories at one of its resorts in Florida, spoke as a candidate for the general elections, stressing the importance of helping Republican senators and House members elected in November. But still he took his rival Ted Cruz, who is closer to the victory in the delegate count.

"He's always saying I'm the only one who can beat Donald Trump," said the businessman. "But he never beats me."

Trump entered Tuesday's contests against a barrage of criticism from rival candidates and outside groups who fear it could damage deeply chances of winning in November Republicans. While a handful of recent losses Cruz have raised doubts about the durability of Trump, contests Tuesday was another missed opportunity for opponents to slow its momentum.

Ohio Governor John Kasich had furiously campaigned in Michigan in recent days. Still win a primary, but expect a good performance in Michigan would give a decisive boost to face the competition next week in his home state.

Speaking to a crowd in Lansing, Kasich said a good result in Michigan show the country "which is a new day in this presidential campaign."

Republicans were also holding contests Tuesday in Hawaii and Idaho. Republican candidates were fighting for 150 delegates, while 179 Democratic delegates were at stake on two party primaries. Delegates will elect the presidential candidate of each party in the national conventions in July.

The economy ranks high on the list of concerns of voters head to the polls in Michigan and Mississippi. At least 8 of every 10 primary voters of each party said they were concerned about where the US economy is headed, according to exit polls conducted exploratory by The Associated Press and television networks.

Among Democrats, 8 in 10 voters in both states said the country's economic system benefits the rich, not all Americans.
Sanders has tried to take advantage of that concern, energizing young and working-class white voters with calls for scrapping Wall Street banks and make free tuition at public colleges and universities. Michigan, with large college towns and a sizeable population of working-class voters, should be a good fit for him. But Clinton has led in the polls.

Sanders problems with black voters were evident once again on Tuesday. Clinton won nearly 9 of every 10 black voters in Mississippi.

Tuesday's contests are a prelude to high stakes primary next week in Florida and Ohio. Like Kasich, Rubio must win his home state in order to remain a viable competitor.

Rubio has been supported by a steady flow of senators, governors and other high-profile Republican officials. However, their voter support has fallen behind, and he entered Tuesday's contests with just a couple of victories in caucuses in Minnesota and Puerto Rico primary on Saturday.

If Rubio and Kasich can not win at home, the Republican primary looks set to become a two-person race between Trump and Cruz. Texas senator is sticking close to Trump in the delegate count and six states in his win column, which is arguing that he is the only candidate who is placed between the brash billionaire and the Republican nomination.

During a campaign stop at a church in North Carolina Tuesday, Cruz took Trump to ask rally attendees to raise their hands and pledge their allegiance to him. He said the decision strikes him as "deeply flawed" and something that "kings and queens of demand" of his subjects.

"I'm not here asking anyone to pledge their support of me," Cruz said of applause and cheers. "I'm pledging my support of you."

Some Republicans have cast both current and Cruz Trump a, ineligible inflexible conservative in a November face to face with the Democratic candidate. But they are quickly running out of options and increasingly weighs more ideas takes long as a convention or contested unite around a candidate from a yet-to-be-determined third party.

Looking ahead to Tuesday Trump led the Republican field with 384 delegates, followed by Cruz with 300, 151 and Rubio with Kasich with 37. Winning the nomination requires 1,237 delegates GOP.

Among Democrats, Clinton had accumulated 1,134 delegates and 502 Sanders, including superdelegates, party leaders and elected officials who can vote for the election candidate at the convention. Democrats need 2,383 delegates to win the nomination.


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