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Trump giant meets resistance rigid GOP

Mr. Trump major challenges in the race for the nomination, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, tried to pin him on policy issues in a debate on Thursday. Their exchanges turned the debate in the ugliest of 11 Republican held so far.

Two former presidential candidates, 60 of foreign policy and expert security and numerous other leaders of the Republican Party united to stop the unstoppable march of Donald Trump to win the party's presidential nomination, but that may not be enough to stop the frontrunner.

Mr. Trump major challenges in the race for the nomination, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, tried to pin him on policy issues in a debate on Thursday. Their exchanges turned the debate in the ugliest of 11 Republican held so far.
Trump debate moderators also faced with a number of contradictions and inconsistencies in their positions, but they could still get away with his characteristic style that combines the insults and boasts.

This time, also included one boasts about his manhood. ". Look at those hands are small hands and pointed to my hands -. If they are small, something else must be small I guarantee you no problem, I guarantee it," Trump said.

After all this was over, commentators noted that Mr. Trump could not explain his stance on many issues. However, Internet surveys Trump declared the winner. In a survey, Mr. Trump got 79 percent against five, three and 12 points Ohio Governor John Kasich Mr. Rubio Mr. Cruz.

Mr. Rubio and Mr. Cruz have for months has unequivocally condemned Mr. Trump for his hate speech. In this sense, Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate for the 2012 elections, on Thursday made the clearest and most unequivocal condemnation of Trump of anyone in the GOP. "Lord. Trump is directing our anger with less-than-lofty purposes. Scapegoats of Muslims and Mexican immigrants is created. The use of torture is required. Call the killing of innocent children and family members of terrorists. He applause attacks on protesters, "Romney said.

John McCain, the Republican candidate in 2008, supported the views of Mr. Romney.

In another vein, the 60 members of the community of Republican national security, said in a statement: "We have been at odds with each other on many issues, including the Iraq war and the intervention in Syria but are united in our opposition. a Donald Trump presidency. "
Trump defended himself against Romney, calling him a bug that is trying to find relevance. "He was asking for my support. I could have said, 'Mitt, drop to your knees." He would have fallen to his knees. "Trump said, recalling his support for Romney in the 2012 race.

Trump says his campaign has energized Republican base and thrown into more voters to the party, a claim for which there is some evidence. Super Tuesday Republican primaries registered a participation of more than 8 million compared with 5.5 million in the Democratic primary.


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