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Zika virus destroys the cells that form the key Brain Tissue: Report

How the virus entering the fetal nervous system is studied.

A child born with microcephaly

In what may be the first evidence of lab power Zika virus, researchers in the United States have found that severely damages a type of neural stem cell that gives rise to the cerebral cortex of the brain.

The results are significant since the World Health Organization (WHO) is set to decide in the coming months if the Zika virus - historically known to be relatively benign - is in fact totally responsible for the outbreak of microcephaly, or deformed skulls in newborns in Brazil and elsewhere in South America.

The research team, led by Guo-Li Ming and Hongjun Song of the School of Medicine and Heng Li Tang of the report from the University of Florida at Johns Hopkins, in the current issue of Stem Cell journal Cell who they saw the "destruction of the virus in neuronal cells derived from pluripotent stem cells induced by man.

"This is a first step and there is much more to do," said Mr. Song, a neuroscientist and stem cell biologist. "What we show is that the Zika virus infects neuronal cells on the plate that are homologous to those forming the cortex during development of the human brain. We do not know at all what is happening in the developing fetus. These results may correlate with brain development, but it is more likely to come from the direct evidence of a link between the Zika virus and microcephaly clinical studies, "the statement added.

Several other questions remain however. For example, why are so mild symptoms in adults? How does the virus enters the nervous system of the developing fetus?


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