will tell you exactly what time you should go to bed in order to maximize sleep, minimize the horror of waking up.
Our point of being asleep is as important as being awake.
You know you are getting old when
most of the conversation revolves around the timing and amount of sleep you ran
the night before.
And if you're like the rest of
the human population the phrase, "I'm tired" often not tired at least
once a day lips. Usually at his desk after artificially he kept himself awake
with too many caffeinated beverages. You're exhausted but boy are shaking
Our point of being asleep is as
important as being awake. Life in general is much better when it has received
the necessary amount of sleep to stay awake and functioning throughout the day.
Now one witty,, web
application will tell you exactly what time you should go to bed in order to
maximize sleep, minimize the horror of waking up and feeling like a real person
while at work.
The site is able to pick the
optimal sleep time based on the time you have to wake up, the claim that the
dream of a night is 5-6 cycles of sleep and leading to the average person 14
minutes to fall asleep .
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