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Diet Tips For This Summer!

Summers requires special diet.

Its summer time and like others are drinking water like thirsty men in the desert have Chanced in a pond! But amidst all this high intake to prevent dehydration we are neglecting our entire diet! Make sure that the body needs lots of water during the summer to replace lost fluids, but what many of us do not realize is that our bodies require special summer diet too!

What is this "summer diet '?

A diet consist of  high in water content provides nutrition and cools your body down while keeping you from hydration purpose.The heat is unbearable and no matter how much water you drink you are always thirsty, similarly summers tend to take away your appetite. Lack of appetite means that you do not eat as much food as you would a regular basis, which means your body lacks ends its share of normal nutrition.
Basically a summer diet consists of foods with high water content, provides ample nutrition and cools your body down, while keeping you from dehydration. While you may be wondering about how to get your diet to multi-task, the answer is very simple and can be found at your local baskets "Bhajiwallah '.

What foods this summer must be present on your plate?

Vegetables : Food items with high water content should be at the top of the list every time you venture to shop during the summer, as the water content in these foods will help hydrate your body from within . Foods such as lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage should be on your plate this summer as they all serve to cool your body from within, while providing you with the daily quota of nutrition.

Fruit - While the harsh Indian summer sees us Indians gorging on watermelons at every opportunity given, there are other fruits that can be eaten from the inside you cool this summer, such as grapes, apples, bananas, pears, peaches and melons. Even citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are excellent choices of fruit for consumption this summer.

Non-veg - Fish are a good inclusion in summer diets Non Veg - For those who feel empty without their regular beef quota, there is a tasty alternative available in fish. These fish are not only cooler consumption compared to red meat or poultry which have been the preferred rate otherwise, but also have high amounts of fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega - 6 which in very few other foods such as eggs and some other vegetables.

Soups - Water broth based soups are an excellent choice for inclusion in the diet of summer! Popular soups made from tomatoes or mixed vegetables serve the purpose of cooling your body from within. Adding 'cool' herbs like mint or cilantro to soups is another way to ensure that hot soup is cooled from inside.

Curds & Yogurt - curd and yogurt are a great and healthy alternative to cold drinks and ice cream as they are not only rich in nutrients, vitamins, but also with calcium and also help to cool your body, when temperatures rise. Both contain vitamin B also helps heal ulcers, allergies and reduces heat tend to occur during the summers, from within.

Fruit juices should be consumed with summer Juices, drink them all - Whether lemon juice, coconut juice, green tea or just serum plain ol milk ', gobble this summer to replenish your body of its lost fluids and to make use of the benefits of various nutrients and vitamins found in them.
While the above are the foods that will help you take care of increasing your body temperature, cooling from within. But like every coin has two sides, there are some foods you should stay away from this summer!

What foods should be avoided this summer?

Cold drinks and Ice Cream - Most of us prefer cold drinks or ice cream licking on water to cool our parched throats during the summer. But while cold soft drinks and delicious ice -creams may look cool, they actually interfere with cooling mechanism very own body!

Alcohol should be avoided during summers Coffee and Alcohol - both coffee and alcohol act as diuretics - substances that increase urination, which leads to excessive loss of body water. In addition, additives such as sugar and other chemicals, both coffee and alcohol increase the temperature of your body from within.

Avoid fried foods - Junk food such as samosas, vada pao-burgers and pizzas contain a lot of oil, as they are fried. The oil contains fat that enter the body increases the rate of metabolism and therefore has a thermal effect on the body, increasing its temperature!

So, now that you are armed with the do's and don'ts of your diet this summer, we are sure that will come out and enjoy the sun while coconut water is taken and enjoy a salad of cucumber. Happy summer!


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