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CAPE CANAVERAL: Astronaut Scott Kelly said he returned from a long history of space travel United States with muscle pain, joint pain, which had been over-sensitive skin and a sense of distance for more one year.

"It seemed that lived there forever," Kelly told reporters at the Johnson Space Center in Houston and in a conference call during his first press conference since returning from a mission of 340 days aboard the International Space Station.

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly enjoys her first drink of the new machine ISSpresso aboard the International Space Station. The device allows espresso equipment to make tea, coffee, broth, or other hot beverages that could enjoy.

Kelly's mission, which was about twice that astronauts typically serve aboard the station, was part of a pioneer to prepare for missions to Mars that will last more than two years program.
Kelly, a veteran of three previous spaceflights, said he initially felt good after landing in Kazakhstan on Tuesday, but then fatigue and muscle pain quickly in.
"I'm a little surprised how I feel physically different than the last time, in relation to muscle pain and joint pain. That was something that was kind of unexpected," Kelly said.
The 52-year-old astronaut said he is struggling with more sensitive skin, leaving him with a slight burning sensation.
Kelly and his crewmates addressed more than 450 experiments during the flight, which eclipsed the previous longest US space flight of 215 days. Four Soviet-era cosmonauts lived even longer in orbit aboard the Mir space station now extinct, including a mission that lasted almost 438 days that ended in March 1995.
Kelly said it was hard to be away from family and friends, but I could have stayed longer.

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly pens offer fresh fruit that came to the Kounotori 5 H-II Transfer Vehicle. Visit cargo ships often carry a small cache of fresh food for the crew members aboard the International Space Station. Photo: NASA

"Whether science or go to a particular destination, I believe that people rise to the occasion if you're doing something important," Kelly said. "If you go to Mars two years or two and a half years ago, that's doable."
Like many space travelers, Kelly returned to Earth with a greater appreciation of the world and the sense of its fragility.
"You can see a lot of pollution over parts of Asia that is almost continuous. You really can not see the floor very well. And those fires in California during the summer, the smoke was quite extensive. But what prevails is only notice how thin the atmosphere is, how fragile it seems. that, combined with these great swabs pollution is somewhat alarming, "Kelly said.

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared this photograph on social media, taken from the International Space Station. Photo: NASA

Kelly will continue to undergo a battery of medical, psychological tests and other for about a year so scientists can learn more about how space flight impacts the body and the human mind.
His identical twin brother, former astronaut Mark Kelly, is also participating in studies for genetic changes of spaceflight, which can affect cancer research, said John Charles, who oversees human research program at NASA.

Scott and his twin brother Mark used to be the same height.  However, Scott grew 2 inches and 8.6 milliseconds younger in 340 days during his time aboard the ISS. "The highest astronauts in space as the spine is lengthened," NASA said, "but return to the altitude before flying after a short time on Earth." Although it is no longer an astronaut, Mark volunteered to participate in 'Study of the twins' NASA with his brother. NASA wants to see how they measure identical twins after a year in two very different environments: in the space of Scott and Mark on Earth.

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, along with his brother, former astronaut Mark Kelly at Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas. Photo: NASA

"I'm confident in saying that it will influence the way we understand cancer," Charles said. Kelly and her sister met Wednesday. By then, the increase of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) high experienced as a result of the expansion of its spine in microgravity had been reversed.

"It is crushed back to normal height," Mark Kelly told reporters.


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