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Eat well. Deep sleep.

The benefits of sleeping well

Getting a good night's sleep should be one of the easiest and most natural things. But busy lives and hectic schedules make us less likely to eat properly, and bad eating habits can prevent us from developing good sleep hygiene.

When we are busy, we tend to eat less than they should during the day, then much more than necessary at night, which is exactly the opposite of what we should do, "says Herbalife's Luigi Gratton, MD, and vice president of medical affairs.

Gratton suggests being aware of how certain foods can affect our sleep pattern. Protein heavy foods stimulate the production of chemicals in the brain that keep us alert and large meals eaten just before bed can lead to indigestion and heartburn - a perfect combination to keep you up at night.

Low fat, high-carbohydrate meals are digested more quickly, and stimulate the production of different brain chemicals - ones that help aid relaxation and facilitate sleep. So it is best to choose a protein-rich breakfast and lunch is to stay alert and clearheaded throughout the day, and save the carbohydrates for dinner.

If you're like most people, caffeine is a stimulant, so a cup of coffee before hitting the sack is probably unwise. Both caffeine and alcohol can disrupt normal sleep patterns; you might be able to sleep, but not for long. This makes it difficult to reach the deepest - and most restful - stage of sleep, so even with a full eight hours, still feeling weak in the morning. Chances are they'll also be awakened from sleep by a full bladder, since both caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics.

Whether or not to snack before going to bed depends on your usual patterns. If dinner is small and light (and soon), after a snack it is fine if you feel that helps you sleep and can afford the calories. Foods rich in calcium like milk and yogurt are good choices, since calcium helps muscles to relax.
It has a lighter dinner, focused on the salad, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans. A basin of lentil soup with a bloom and some fruit for dessert

If you know that caffeine keeps you awake, avoid caffeinated drinks for 6-8 hours before going to bed • Keep your alcohol intake moderate to avoid sleep disruption
Drink more fluids during the day, and cut after dinner. If you need to take medication before bedtime, use only a small amount of water

If you like to have at bedtime snack, include foods that are rich in calcium to induce muscle relaxation. A cup of hot milk is an ancient remedy for insomnia, and for good reason.


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