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Hours Of Sitting 'Can Affect Your Health'

Office workers, take care of your chair! Hours of sitting could take a toll on your health, according to a new study.

Researchers in Sweden have carried out the study and found to be wheelchair for a long time can increase the risk of high blood pressure, slow metabolism, weight gain and diabetes of a person.

With the average person feel a little less than nine hours a day at the office, at home or in the car, even a daily workout is unlikely to offset the risks of sitting too long, according to the Daily Mail.

According to the researchers, prolonged sitting should carry a public health warning.

So why you are on the blacklist of the humble chair?

As the most passive activity behind lying down, being seated burns a minimum amount of calories - even eating an apple or concerns uses more energy than parking your bottom on a chair, says the study.

While standing involves the muscles of the back, shoulders and legs, sitting presents no positive physical challenge for the body, forcing place in an inactive state, the researchers say.

According to them, it is almost inevitable that long-term sitters find their expanding waistlines. While the action only burn up a few calories, it does several times a day and made a real difference.

It is easy to burn 30 to 50 extra calories a day, which is enough to prevent weight gain 2 pounds to 3 pounds a year. Spend your sitting time and the pounds creeps on unnoticed, the study suggests.

The findings are published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.


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