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Joint pain on the desktop dilemma of all women working

Everyone gets occasional pain or pain, a little shoulder pain, a twinge in the knee, but research shows that women are more frequent and often more affected than men.

Today there are more working women traveling through the city and the number of hours they work in your office is stretched. Sitting is one of the worst positions for the body to maintain. After just 20 minutes hunched in a chair, blood pools in the legs and pressure builds up in the spine and other joints. For women in new businesses and technology companies, jobs are desk wheels. Prolonged sitting causes discomfort, numbness and misaligned joints.

Holding the body upright also increases the tension in the major muscles and joints. All that means stationary time at work can lead to cardiovascular disease, tight hip flexors, hamstrings shortened, pinched nerves and many physical injuries in the long term. Women are not only more likely to suffer from joint pain; also they have more difficulty finding the right treatment. Everyone gets occasional pain or pain, a little shoulder pain, a twinge in the knee, but research shows that women are more frequent and often more affected than men.

About 60 percent of joint replacement surgeries are performed on women in India. A number of factors contribute to this disparity; women are more likely than men to have conditions that cause joint pain, hormonal fluctuations that affect the experience of their vulnerability, and may not be physiologically equipped to deal with the pain.

So deal with healthy options it gets difficult, and understandably so. Neglecting the pain will only lead to further damage, while if cured at the right time will ensure many years of relief.

A few simple steps that can be performed by women at work are:
  • To avoid pulling muscles causing pain or is just standing every 20 minutes or so. Are the most important thing desk workers can do to give the body a break from a position long.
  • Stretching throughout the day as placing hands on the lower back and extends rearward.
  • simple stretches at your desk, such as twists and turns of the head from side to side and tucks her chin up toward the ceiling will also help.
  • Get moving! Make a conference call on the feet or suggest a meeting on the move - and walk down the hall.
  • When sitting, make sure you maintain good posture with the ass all the way back to the chair, feet flat on the floor, straight and with lower back arched inward naturally head.

Even after performing the correct exercises, if the joint pain still concerned then it is recommended to visit a orthopaedician immediately before aggravates the pain and become unbearable. When a woman reaches menopause, their estrogen levels drop and can lead to bone loss. For some women, this bone loss is rapid and severe. But most women tend to delay their treatments give reasons for home, so more serious injury.

Many female patients who were initially reluctant to any surgery knee suffered in the later stages as it was for them to do worse moments regular routine was difficult. For example, they stopped taking the stairs, dropped their children to school and stopped going to the office.

In recent decades there have been dramatic advances in total knee replacement. To meet the needs of today's active patients, knee implants have to be stronger and more flexible than ever. However, only in recent years, technologically advanced material support called oxidized zirconium was introduced to a duration of 30 years (tested under laboratory conditions).

Advanced materials like this can help create a better performance, more durable implants. Therefore, it is made for women who do not want to compromise of their active life.


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