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Nutritional Value Of Leafy Vegetables

It is tradition in families use green leafy vegetables in dals or fries.

This has become routine in our daily life we use one or the other leaf daily sheet during cooking. These are the cheapest items with rich nutritional value.

It contains calcium, iron, Vitamn A, C, riboflavin, folic acid and fiber high. So this is used in chutneys, soups and salads. While cooking; it should be closed with the lid because most of the nutrients are volatile. Meaning; They evaporated when they come to get warm. If water is left behind, after cooking, we can mix the lemon juice, a pinch of salt to the soup and do what is good for health.

Leafy vegetables have vitamins A, K and E in the surplus. They protect us from infections, clear breathing problems, prevents urinary and intestinal problems. Constipation problem can be avoided by taking a cup of leaf juice every day. Dietary fiber in leaves cleans stomach. Nutrients in them fight free radicals in the body.

Magnesium in the leaves to control high blood pressure. It is good for cardiovascular health by controlling bad cholesterol. Leafy vegetables are good for the eyes as well. So it's best to add them in the daily diet.


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