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The causes of snoring

 There are a number of reasons behind snoring but the two main reasons are:

1.Lifestyle reasons and

2.Physical reasons.

1.       Lifestyle :

1. A blocked nose, caused by congestion, runny nose, nasal polyps or damage to the nose.
2. Be at menopause is linked with snoring.
3. Being an older adult - muscle tone decreases as you age, raising the risk of snoring.
4. A pullback inferior law, causing an overbite.
5. Having a enlarged tonsils.
6. Being male.
7. Having low levels of thyroid hormone.

2. Physical factors.

1. If you suffer from allergies that are likely to have a runny nose, itching and runny nose. The lining of the nose and throat can also be swollen. This can interfere with sleep and make it more likely to snore.

2. Alcohol causes the muscles to relax more than normal during sleep in a normal night so they are more likely to snore. It also irritates the nasal mucosa, which can make breathing difficult.

3. sedatives such as alcohol, cause the muscles of your body relax more than normal, causing you to snore. If you are concerned about how a sedative is affecting your sleep, talk to your doctor about it. It may be a non-sedating alternative. Do not stop taking prescribed medication without consulting your doctor.

4. Cigarette smoking causes swelling, inflammation and irritation of the nasal passages and throat, making snoring more likely. Even passive smoking can worsen snoring.

5. If you are overweight you are more likely to snore. This is believed to be due to excess fat around your neck. This makes your airways more likely to sink.


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