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Tips to Get a Trouble free sleep

1.     If you want to wake up with fresh body then set your bedtime. And sleep at the same time every day, you can strengthen your body. You will feel refreshed and better doing that.

2.    Have your dinner two hours before bedtime. Do not eat and drink too much before bedtime.

3.    Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcoholic beverages at night because the food can stimulate still wakes up at night.

4.    Sleep tight and quick exercise your body regularly, as it can help you get better sleep.

5.    Sleep above. It is said that if you go to bed early and wake up early your mind and body will be fit and fresh.

6.    Change the bed and pillow according to your convenience. Your bed should be cool, dark, quiet and cozy. For different people the choice bed is different. Make sure your bed is more comfortable for you.

7.    You can do some some activity before bedtime to help sleep. Activity as breathing exercises, bathing in warm water, reading book, listening to music, or other activity of your choice.

8.    Sleep only when you feel tired. But if you can not sleep about 15-20 minutes, wake up and do something you like. And back to bed if you feel tired.

9.       Do not think about your problems and concerns before your sleep. Because it will disturb your sleep. Keep your self-relaxed before going to sleep to have a peaceful sleep.


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