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Common sunscreen Ingredients Can Disrupt Sperm Function: Study

Common UltraViolet (UV) - Filtering Chemicals used in Sunscreens can Interfere with the Function of Human Sperm - According to a New Study

Many ultraviolet (UV) -Filtering chemicals commonly used in sunscreens interfere with the function of human sperm cells, the researchers said.

LONDON: Common ultraviolet (UV) - Filtering chemicals used in sunscreens, makeup, moisturizers and lip balms can interfere with the function of human sperm, according to a new research that may account for unexplained male infertility.

Many ultraviolet (UV) -Filtering chemicals commonly used in sunscreens interfere with the function of human sperm cells, and some mimic the effect of the female hormone progesterone, the researchers said.

"These results are worrying and could explain in part why unexplained infertility is so prevalent," said the study's lead researcher, Niels Skakkebaek, a professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

Although the purpose of chemical UV filters is to reduce the amount of UV rays getting through the skin by absorbing UV, UV filters some are quickly absorbed by the skin, said Skakkebaek.

UV filter chemicals reportedly found in human blood samples and in 95 percent of urine samples in the US, Denmark and other countries.

The researchers tested 29 of the 31 UV filters allowed in sunscreens in the US or the European Union (EU) on living, healthy human sperm from fresh semen samples obtained from several healthy donors cells.

Sperm cells were tested in a buffer that resembled conditions in the fallopian tubes female.

Specifically, researchers evaluated calcium signaling within the cell caused by changes in the concentration of calcium ions.

The movement of calcium ions within sperm cells through channels calcium ion plays an important role in the function of sperm cells, according to Skakkebaek.

CatSper is a sperm-specific calcium ion channel, he said, it is essential for male fertility. This channel is the main sperm receptor for progesterone, a hormone powerful attractant for human sperm cells.

Progesterone binding CatSper causes temporary influx, or surge, of calcium ions in the sperm cell, control of various functions of sperm needed for fertilization.

The researchers found that 13 UV 29 (45 percent) filters tested induced influx of calcium ions in the sperm cells, which interferes with the normal function of the sperm cells.

"This effect started at very low doses of chemicals, below the levels of some UV filters found in people after application of whole body of sunscreens," Skakkebaek said.

In addition, nine of the 13 UV filters seem to induce the influx of calcium ions through direct activation CatSper channel, thereby mimicking the effect of progesterone.

The results suggests that these UV filters are endocrine disruptors, Skakkebæk said. In addition, several UV filters sperm affected important functions normally controlled through CatSper such as sperm motility.

"Our study suggests that regulators should take a closer look at the effects of UV filters on fertility before approval eyes," Skakkebæk said.


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