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Easy ways to get out of depression

Easy ways to get out of depression:

1.       To start the day listening to an audio CD that permeates religious peace.

2.       Always think positive. They say nice things to yourself.

3.       Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol or substance abuse.

4.       Always pay attention to your feelings of sadness, anxiety and irritability.

5.       Enjoy your free time. Join a laughter club or invest in a CD in a series of television comedy.

6.       If you are suffering with headache have a solution for that first: A hot oil massage can do wonders as well.

7.       Having a comfortable bed for comfortable sleeping. Sleep early, so you can get enough sleep.

8.       Take a cup of hot milk before going to bed.

9.       Try some body massage, pedicure, manicure, a salt bath soak or a new suit.

10.   Having a balanced diet; avoid soft drinks and junk foods.

11.   I always try to stay in touch with friends.

12.   Exercise helps fight depression. So keep busy in different exercises.

13.   Another way to make happy is dancing. Joining a dance class.


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