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Health through maintaining hygiene

Hygiene is an essential component of healthy living, In fact, hygiene is essential for good health and prevent disease and infection. Not only is the selection of appropriate food choices, but also for cooking and eating in a hygienic manner is equally important in the prevention of infectious diseases. 

The adoption of hygiene practices and hygiene promotion in the community, schools and workplaces prevent many infectious diseases.

Some of infectious diseases prevented through adequate hygiene practices include diarrhea, amebiasis, giardiasis, parasitic infections, typhoid, jaundice, bacterial pharyngitis, skin infections, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, etc. Many chronic diseases are also linked to infections caused by unsanitary food. These include gastric ulcers, certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Best practices for hygiene

The following are some of hygiene practices that should be inculcated in everyday life.

Wash hands thoroughly with soap after urination, go to the bathroom or after changing diapers,

Wash your hands with soap and water after handling pets

Wash your hands with soap and water before touching / food they eat.

Keep fingernails short and clean. Trim nails regularly.

Tie your hair well or cover when cooked.

Preferably, the kitchen area and the area used for washing utensils should be separate and dedicated for this purpose and is not connected to the bathrooms / toilets, etc.

Kitchen should be well lit and ventilated (either with fan flue / exhaust) preferably with mesh windows.

The kitchen and dining area should preferably be high.

Keep the kitchen, laundry and utility area and kitchen clean clothes. The surface of the kitchen and the floor should be cleaned regularly. Also, clean the kitchen at night. The kitchens are clean at night attract pests that are carriers of the infection.

Cover all foods cooked and uncooked, at all times.

If house fly or insect has sat even fleetingly in a food, discard it.

Protect food and kitchen items insect pests and other animals.


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