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TELANGANA - Telangana cut Non-Plan expenditure the Budget Plan

Finance Minister Telangana Etala Rajender presents the state budget on Monday.

In presenting the budget of the Minister of Economy he stated that the budget was "unprecedented as the proposed spending plan is higher than under non-plan.

Finance Minister Telangana Etala Rajender filed Monday 2016-17 State Budget, with an outlay of Rs.1.30 lakh rupees and a fiscal deficit of 3.5 percent.

Of the proposed expenditure Rs.1,30.415.87 crore, part no plan will be Rs.62,785.14 crore and Plan to spend Rs.67,630.73 crore. While spending is better compared to Rs.1.15 lakh crore for 2015-16, it is less in the context of neighboring Andhra Pradesh 2016-17 budget outlay of Rs.1.35 lakh rupees. (In 2015-16, the total outlay of Andhra Pradesh was Rs.1.13 lakh rupees).

This was not, however, totally unexpected, and for some time the two States Telugu speech seems to have realized the importance of a rivalry game.

In presenting the budget in a speech that lasted more than an hour, the finance minister said that the budget was "unprecedented as the cost of the proposed plan is higher than under non-plan. This has been done without compromising on commitments not belong to the plan by a combination of rationalization of spending and increasing resources, "he said.

Loans under the FRBM legislation is likely to be slightly higher in 2016-17, he said, adding that the proposed budget indicates a shortfall of income of Rs.3,718.37 crore and a fiscal deficit of Rs.23,467.29 crore . "The highest income surplus is entirely due to the proposed allocation of Rs 25,000 crore to the irrigation sector, which is mostly capital."

In line with the emphasis on rationalizing expenditure, Finance Minister, said: "A number of schemes plans with similar activities have beaten together in a number of departments and some schemes with only one wage bill have moved out plan plan are proposed. Bhagiratha Mission and the housing plan room with two beds to be funded entirely from extrabudgetary resources. therefore, no provisions have been made in the plan of aid, except for the necessary provision of funds counterpart ".

Mr.Rajender said that compared with the combined state spending plan, proposed spending plan for 2016-17 is greater Telangana. This is a record. Reducing waste, increasing revenues and improving welfare allocations are our goals. "


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