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HYDERABAD - Drunk Driving: Over 5,500 booked in Hyderabad this year

1,000 riders of two-wheeled tricycle drivers 70 and 191 four-wheel racers booked in February in Hyderabad.

A driver caught driving with alcohol content over 40 mg per 100 ml of blood is liable to be charged with drunk driving.

Hyderabad: In two months, more than 800 motorists have been sent to jail for driving drunk for periods ranging from a day to a fortnight. More than 5,500 drunk drivers have been reserved in Hyderabad and Cyberabad this year.

Social workers and psychologists said traffic police should carry out checks in the vicinity of liquor stores on main roads where the drivers of two-wheeled drink liquor openly. Bylanes must have a barrier strategically to prevent escape during controls.

Satish Gupta Telukunta social worker said the figure of 5,000 cases is nothing if the large number of vehicles driving drunk is taken into account.

"Traffic police checkpoints on a certain date would not be more than 25 compared with more than 240 shops legitimate wine, not to mention unauthorized. Although the rooms permit has been allowed, the wine shop arrangements allow customers consume liquor on the edge of the road, which is a nuisance. These people drive their vehicles, mostly two-wheeled vehicles, under the influence of alcohol. they escape in bylanes view of traffic cops " said Satish Gupta.

Counselling Psychologist Dr. S. V. Nagnath said driving drunk represents their social and individual perception towards life. One must know the value of your life and that of society. "If the traffic police launched an establishment of points in the vicinity of all wine shops serious unit, one night would not be enough to check and book cases. Thousands of motorists would be caught driving drunk and a majority of them would be two riders wheels. the fear factor is lower among cyclists, "he said.

President Wine Distributors Association Telangana State Venkateshwar Rao admitted that people consume foreign liquor stores wine, but because the rooms are full permissions.

"We ask people to make sure that one of them does not consume liquor so that you can lead others back home. People generally ask you do not like drinking these days," he said.

Practice abroad is a person of a group, by rotation, does not drink When we say that the consumption of alcoholic beverages has risen and are following the Western culture, why not adopt this formula too, "he said." Traffic cops they are fulfilling their duty and also tell our clients to follow the rules. "

Traffic DCP (Hyderabad) A. V. Ranganath said it is not possible to reserve all drunk drivers. However, the suggestion that the checkpoints will be about wine shops is very good, and the police implement it.


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